Baseball: Roll Away Batting Cages
Help us raise $6,500 to purchase new portable, on-field batting cages!

Help us reach our $6,500 goal to improve our facilities. 

Your support will help us replace our aging batting cage and address other areas in need of upgrading for the program. Our student athletes deserve the best opportunities for success on the field, and we need your support to make it happen.

Our batting cage is essential for honing our athletes' skills and preparing them for success. By replacing it and upgrading other parts of our facility, we ensure that our players have access to top-notch training resources. 

By investing in upgrades, we're not just improving the playing experience, but also ensuring the safety and well-being of our student athletes.

Your donation will have a lasting impact on the success and legacy of our sports program and allow student athletes to thrive. 

Give today to give student-athletes the tools they need to succeed on the field and beyond!

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