WorldCat: Study Abroad Passport Scholarship
Help us raise $1,650 to purchase student's first passports!

Join us in expanding access to education abroad through the WorldCat First Passport Scholarship.  

The WorldCat First Passport Scholarship will provide CWU students funds to purchase their first ever US passport book (currently $165). Your donation will help reduce advance costs associated with education abroad experiences and lower barriers to participation, expanding access to more students.

Alumni Codie Sullivan reflected on her education abroad experience saying,

“Study abroad is an eye-opening experience! I met some of the most wonderful people during my time in Ireland. Learning about the culture and lifestyle was one of the most amazing times of my life. I still look back and think how great of an experience it was! I recommend studying abroad to everyone I talk [to]!” - Codie Sullivan, Ireland, Summer 2019

Hitting our goal will allow us to purchase 10 Wildcats their first ever passport, so give today to help students have an international education experience!

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