WorldCat: Study Abroad Airfare Scholarship
Help us raise $5,000 to help students have an education abroad experience!

Join us in expanding access to education abroad through the WorldCat Airfare Scholarship.  The WorldCat Airfare Scholarship will provide CWU students up to $500 to subsidize the cost of airfare.

Your donation will help reduce advance costs associated with education abroad experiences and lower barriers to participation, expanding access to more students.

Education abroad alumni had this to say about their respective experiences:

My experience studying abroad in China absolutely shaped my life and career!  It gave my resume a level-up and got my foot in the door for interviews and offers.  It was also unforgettable - the friends and people I came across are still good friends...  Above all, it is a challenge to adapt into such a different environment, but you walk away with new perspectives that make you a better human being.” - Michael “Mike” Grigg ’02, Hefei, China, AY 2001-02

“The experience helped boost my confidence both personally and later professionally. Almost 25 years later I continue using my language skills and the experiences from the exchange to promote understanding, remain adaptable and open to other ways of life.” - Jennifer Fitzgerald ’96, Tamamura, Japan, AY 1994-9

Give today to help students have an international education experience and reach our $5,000 goal!

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