Mock Trial
Support the CWU Mock Trial team in raising $10,000!

Help us reach our goal of $10,000 to ensure CWU Mock Trial can retain competitors, win competitions and address the impostor syndrome among first-generation students, affirming their role in the legal community. 

Every year, Central Washington University fields between one and two teams for mock trial competitions, each comprised of six to ten students.

What sets our team apart is its remarkable diversity: 50% of our members are first-generation students, 75% are women, and 30% are students of color.

The majority of our students come from families where no one has pursued legal or graduate education. For those who choose to attend law school, they become the first in their families to do so.

Despite challenges, our team has excelled. In the past four years, we've defeated renowned institutions like Oregon State University, University of Oregon, University of Washington, Washington State University, and Reed College. Our competitors have earned awards, and twice we've narrowly missed advancing to the next competition round. 

Make a gift today to help provide accommodations, food, and appropriate attire for students, fostering a more positive environment for our competitors! 

Your support will impact student like Jackson Brassfield, Class of 2025, who attributes finding his career path to Mock Trial. “Mock trial means a lot of things to me, it means dedication, sacrifice, friendship, the list can go on... I have found my dream career path within mock trial and this allowed me to experience it first hand."  

Or Emily Freeman, Class of 2025 who said this of her experience on the team, "I feel welcome, respected, guided, and educated to the vast and diverse knowledge areas that expand my understanding of law. Mock Trial Club gave me truly hands on experiences in the trial setting strategies, techniques, and resources for my success in my future legal career."

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